
We’ll bring together the right people needed to achieve your goals.

Takami Kowalski


Takami is a cross-border business professional based in Fukuoka, ​Japan. He has experience in management consulting and ​investment due diligence at Bain & Company in Tokyo, and strategy ​and operations (including a $35M fundraise) at FLUX.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University

Kevin Gottfredson

Partner, M&A

Kevin is an international investment professional based in ​Pennsylvania. He has experience in management consulting at Bain ​& Company (Texas office), and investment portfolio management at ​Ensign Peak Advisors, an endowment fund based in Utah.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Brigham Young University

MBA & M.A. Japanese, The Wharton School

Shunsuke Hori

Partner, Product Distribution

Shunsuke is a digital marketing professional based in Tokyo, and ​founder of Wellvy.

He has experience as an account executive at Hakuhodo and new ​business development at a digital marketing startup.

B.S. History, Chuo University

Shumpei Okanoue

Partner, Product Distribution

Shumpei is a product manager and marketing professional based in ​Tokyo, and founder of Noviq, a digital marketing agency.

He has experience as a startup executive (digital marketing SaaS) ​and as a product manager ( and Tabelog).

B.S. Engineering, Kobe Univer​sity

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